July 2019 Theme – Countless Mercies As Sands

July 2019 Theme – Countless Mercies As Sands

Mercy can be defined as “compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or another person in one’s power; it is compassion or benevolence towards another”.

The Bible tells us that God is rich in mercy (Ephesian 2:4). The mercy of God is eternal (Psalms 103:17); it is very great (Psalms 103: 11); its unwavering (Psalms 66:20).

God, Himself also declares that He can have mercy and compassion on whom He decides by His sovereign will (Romans 9:15). Prophet Jeremiah said in Lamentations 3:21 that, it was because the Lord’s mercies and compassion do not fail, that was why Israel was not consumed by the Babylonian empire. God allowed the enemy to take the strong people away into captivity for 70 years and used the hands of their enemies to rebuild Israel back. If it was not of the mercy of God, the Israelites would have been wiped off and their cities would have lay in ruins forever.

Everlasting Father’s Assembly continuous existence is by the countless mercies of God. It simply can not be the will of any man; neither is it because of the active effort of anybody. Even though these two were employed; the result of what we see today is only by the countless mercies of God. As the scripture has said; “For it is God who work in you both to will and to do His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13).

God has shown us mercies upon mercies in the last 13 years. Mercies when we fall short of His expectations; mercies when were in need; mercies when we were weak; mercies when we were facing attack; mercies when we were at crossroads; mercies when there seems to be no way out; mercies when we were dwindling; etc. His mercies to us cannot be counted nor measured.

It is my prayer that every individual in this Assembly shall enjoy more mercies of God; every home shall experience God’s countless mercies and the whole church shall swim in the unfailing mercies of God in this month and beyond in Jesus name.