March 2024 Theme – Divinely Assisted Remoulding

March 2024 Theme – Divinely Assisted Remoulding

Remould can be defined as “To mould again. To reshape. To renew. To regenerate. To recast something. To re-establish on a new, usually improved basis or make new or like new. To completely change the character of someone or something. To bond new tread onto the casing of worn tyres. To make a soft substance have a new shape.

The process by which all these is done is termed “Remoulding”.

There are several things in nature that can be subjected to remoulding. Few examples are: clay, metals, jewels, hospital body casts, bottles, plastics, etc.

Interestingly, parents, guardians, teachers, counsellors and certain clinicians also do attempt to remould human lives, by helping those in their tutelage or care to exhibit desirable behaviours that are regarded as societal norms.

While this human assistance is required and very important, only God can truly assist any life or people in remoulding their destiny (Prov. 22:6; I Sam. 2:12-17; I Sam 8:1-3).

In Jeremiah 18:1-4, God instructed Prophet Jeremiah to go to the house of a potter, so He could speak to him there. On getting to the potter’s house, Jeremiah met him making a vessel on the wheels, but the vessel the potter was making did not turn out as he wanted, so he remoulded the same clay material into another vessel as seemed good to him.

God used this scenario to instruct and warn the children of Israel that they needed to be malleable (soft and flexible) in His hands, so He can remould them into whatever pleases Him (Jeremiah 18:5-6). Otherwise, the repercussions would be severe.

As we continue in this glorious year 2024, it is the intent of God to remould our Assembly, our families, and indeed our lives into what will yet please Him more. It is the intention of God to re-work us on His ‘wheels’ again. He wants to remove any ‘lump’ and/or ‘inconsistencies’ from our lives as like clay, and thereby reshape us into something more desirable for and to Himself.

God expects us to render ourselves as soft and flexible material (malleable) unto Him to facilitate His intentions. He also expects that we submit to His will as He takes us through the remoulding process.

While our Potter may ‘smash’ and ‘beat’ our ‘clay’, it is necessary to achieve the intended outcome. We need endurance and patience as He takes us through the process.

May the desires of God be wrought in our lives, families and in our Assembly. May the remoulding work intended by God showcase us as masterpieces of Him to His glory in Jesus mighty name. Amen!