May 2024 Theme – Divinely Assisted Resurgence

May 2024 Theme – Divinely Assisted Resurgence

Resurgence can be defined as a process in which something starts to grow, develop, or become successful again. It can be defined as a rising again into life, activity, or prominence. It is the act or fact of rising again or returning. It can also mean a restoration to use, acceptance, activity or vigour. It is the reappearance and growth of something that was common in the past.

Other words for resurgence are: revival, renewal, resurrection, bounced back, facelift, revamp, revitalise, regenerate, rejuvenate, upsurge, upturn, etc.

The Almighty God specialises in assisting men to experience resurgence in their lives, as long as one’s faith, hope and trust is in Him. Whatever that is dormant or depleting can easily and even promptly experience an upsurge and continue in that upward progression.

In Acts 2:1-4, the disciples of Jesus Christ were baptised with the Holy Ghost and Fire, which led to the glorious emergence of the Early Church, to the extent that souls were being saved in their thousands, and diverse miracles were happening through the hands of the disciples.

In Acts 3:1-26, God wrought a notable miracle by the hands of Peter and John at the entrance of Solomon’s temple which created an uproar in the city of Jerusalem, as the pair declared that the miracle was performed in the name of Jesus whom the leaders of the Jews had murdered few weeks before. A lame man from birth who was over 40 years old was miraculously healed simply by using the name of Jesus!

The pair were arrested by the Sanhedrin, imprisoned, quizzed and threatened never to teach the people in the name of Jesus again, or worse thing will happen to them (Acts 4:1-22).

After their release, Peter and John went back to the brethren where they were assembled. They then prayed to God to empower them the more, so that they would be bold and courageous to confront the threat against them; and that God should intensify the working of healings, signs and wonders as they preach in Jesus name to confirm their preaching (Acts 4:23-30).

Indeed, God answered their prayers, there was another shaking where they were praying and they received fresh empowerment by the Holy Ghost, such that the disciples were granted Divine assistance for resurgence. God granted them great power to witness the resurrection of Jesus Christ and great grace was upon them all (Acts 4:31-33). They were not silenced. They became more vocal and unstoppable!

God has again impressed it upon my spirit that He has granted us His assistance for resurgence in this season. He said, He will help us to grow, develop and become successful again. He will make us to rise incessantly. He will grant us revival, renewal and facelift. He will help us to resurrect and bounce back. He will assist us with regeneration, rejuvenation and revitalisation. He will also grant us the energy for upsurge and upturn in this season and beyond. May the Spirit of the Lord God do these and many other special blessings in our lives and in our midst in Jesus mighty name.