Give Attention To This: Growth, by Rev George Adegboye

Give Attention To This: Growth, by Rev George Adegboye

Text: Psalm 105: 24

A survey was conducted in the United States by the Barna Group. They asked several pastors and Christian leaders what is the greatest problem in the body of Christ? It was agreed that the greatest problem facing the body is lack of growth.


Growth can be defined as an increase in size or degree. Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians and called them little children until Christ is formed in them. When we gave our lives to Jesus, we became children in Christ; but we must continue to grow in order to mature in Him (John 1:12; Roma. 8: 16,14). Jesus was also said to be born as a Child, and given as a Son (Isaiah 9:6); the same thing relates to Apostle Paul as well (I Cor. 13:11).


What are the characteristics of children?

Innocence; ignorance; irritable behaviour; pride; selfish interest; hastiness; etc (Eph. 4: 14). Many Christian are still demonstrating these characteristics, in which case they cannot become what God expects of them.


Why do we need to grow?

  • It is the will and plan of God for us (I Peter 2:2; I Tim. 2:4; 2 Peter 3: 18).
  • Those before us grew (Lk. 2:40; 1:80; I Sam. 2: 21, 26; Heb. 13: 14; 13:7).
  • Our growth pleases God (I Thes. 4:1; John 8: 27; Prov. 20:11).
  • It is necessary if one potential will manifest.
  • It is required to live a triumphant and victorious life (Psalm 105: 25; Lk. 10:19; Ex. 1:7).
  • It is a condition for your usefulness (Lk. 1:80).
  • God rewards growth


Areas of growth

  1. Growth is multidimensional
  • Spiritually
  • Mentally (Prov. 23:7; Ps. 94:11).
  • Emotionally
  • Financially (Mt. 10:8).
  • Physically – more fit (Dt. 34:7).
  • Relationally
  • Vocationally
  1. Growth is multidirectional
  • Upwards – God’s vision.
  • Downwards – be more establish (Isaiah 37: 31; Col. 2:7).
  • Inwards (Gal. 5: 22-23; I Peter 3:5).
  • Outwards
  • Outgrow growth e.g. Insults, (Roma. 12:21; Ps. 105:24).
  • Onward growth
  1. Growth is a choice. It is not accidental, but incidental and planned.
  2. Growth is a process (Isaiah 28:10; 2 Cor. 9:8).
  3. Growth is practical. You must specify things you need to do.
  4. Growth is relational. Many forces work together in growing (I Cor. 3: 6-7).
  5. The ultimate source of growth is God. Improve your connection with Him (Psalm 127: 1-2).

The sermon was delivered on Feb 16, 2020, by Rev George Adegboye, President: Ever-Increasing Word Ministries & Rhema Chapel International Churches.