The Principles of Fruitfulness, by Rev’d Alexander Faranpojo
Bible Text: 2 Peter 1:3-11
Appreciate people learn to understand that what you sew will come back to you. Celebrate people. Joy is not an option. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 28: 47- 48 “Because you did not serve the Lord your God with a heart full of joy and gladness for the abundance of all things [with which He blessed you], you will therefore serve your enemies whom the Lord sends against you, in hunger and in thirst, in nakedness and in lack of all things; and He will put an iron yoke [of slavery] on your neck until He has destroyed you”. God wants us to be joyful always. John 1: 9-12, Isaiah 12:3- “Therefore with joy you will draw water the springs of salvation”.
With joy shall you draw water out of your wells. Everything making you thirsty in life may it be destroyed in Jesus name; Amen.
Your joy will determine your harvest so rejoice in the Lord. When you understand that the outcome of life will favour you, you will rejoice. Joy is a down payment; it is deposit for the favour of God. You can’t do this carnally. The carnal mind is happy when something good just happens or just bought a new phone and when that is taken away sadness dominates. The spiritual mind is joyful all the time no matter the circumstance around.
Pray that no spirit of depression will encapsulate you. Stop been sad, it is because you are ignorant of Gods will. Psalm 107: 20- “He sent His word and healed them, And rescued them from their destruction”. That is the kind of God we serve. It is Gods’ word that delivers. One must never come to that point when he/she forgets that miracles are real; because there is a God who can fetch water with a basket. Do not let pressure shift you away from Gods’ presence. Hold on to Gods’ word.
Gen 26: 13- “And the man [Isaac] became great and gained more and more until he became very wealthy and extremely distinguished”.
There is a day you begin to prosper; the day you get hold of the word.
Power from God to man is called a blessing, that theory in the realm of the spirit is called a blessing. When God blesses you, He empowers you to be fruitful. Say to yourself “I am fruitful and not barren”. Fruit represent increase, productivity, plenty”. As Christians God wants us to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth. God is going to judge us all by the level of fruitfulness will attain. Result is good and no one likes the feeling of unfruitfulness. Many hide under the umbrella of Christianity. No need hiding, Christianity is authentic, you don’t know the way doesn’t mean there is no way. There are perspectives in life which sets the pace of progress. If you do not know how certain things works? You would be a Christian with no works / direction.
At this juncture, it is necessary to point out that gravity is gravity anywhere in the world. If anyone including the Prime Minister misses a step; the law of gravity will work on him. Principles are universal, they create fairness and equity, they have no respect for gender and principles create equity.
Our God is fair God and he has created principles for us to succeed. When you do not work the principles you cannot get the result. As simple as “3*3-2/6” is, you will be surprise there will be different result because some people do not the principles of BODMAS.
2Peter 1:3-11 identifies the principles we need to be fruitful. There are principles to get result in Christ Jesus. You cannot carry sadness and experience gladness. Not rejoicing is a sign of hopelessness that you did not believe in God. Hopelessness leads to frustration. Yes you are Christian but you are not doing it right you would not get result. When ungodly men start to counsel you, you will have problem.
The bible says we should believe in God. Without faith it is impossible to please God. You must understand that God is and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. 1Corinthian 2:5. “so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom and rhetoric of men, but on the power of God”. Your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men. Our faith lies in Gods ability to do. God is the healer, He is not empty, rely on him, for your faith must stand in the power of God.
Principle number 1 for success is Faith but then faith is not enough. The Bible says in Luke 22:32. “ but I have prayed [especially] for you [Peter], that your faith [and confidence in Me] may not fail; and you, once you have turned back again [to Me],strengthen and support your brothers [in the faith].” This verse explains that faith can fail but should not fail.
Faith is key but faith is not all. From today your faith will not fail in Jesus name. The Bible expresses that we should add to faith Virtue (2Peter 1:5). 1 Timothy 3:9.. “Holding faith and a good conscience”. Faith without virtue may lead to a ship wreck. When people have a ship wreck, people become bitter. It can be tantamount to putting all your faith, trusting so much and then not getting result; it is like a feeling of betrayal. However, obeying all principle and not partially is key.
2nd principle is Virtue- 2 Peter 1:5.. Virtue means strength of character, honour. If someone has faith but no virtue; he / she can experience a ship wreck. Virtue is critical for your faith; equally a good conscience, strength of character and honour. In the realm of the spirit for anything to become physical there must be voices speaking for you. For someone looking for husband / wife, you will agree with me that your husband / wife is alive and somewhere but it takes an external force to move them to locate you. Your virtue makes people want to relate to you. Strength of character means do not dabble faith with mischief; that itself cannot work with God, be honest. If you are afraid say you are afraid. That is why the Bible says forgive those who have offended you. Let unforgiveness go, let that offense go; if you need result in your life. Stop making a mockery of your life by having an unforgiving spirit and open to mischief.
Another principle is honour. Honour is very important. Some people do not know how to be honorable. Men do not know how to honour their wives. Sometimes it is your honour to be cheated, and you know you are cheated but you let it sly. When a person lacks honour, they do not have people speaking for them in the Spirit. Honour raises people to raise their voices to God on your behalf. Honour makes people to speak for you. When you bow in humility, God will speak for you. Honour is the first proof of your humble person. Some people say view it as high service but though similar very different because honoring someone is not hypocritical. Who you honour will determine how far you go. When God blesses you, he will use a human being, no matter how much you pray, if God wants to use a particular person and the person doesn’t like, there would be a problem, honour makes favour easy.
Solomon killed a goat, God showed up. You must learn to connect your spiritual activities to your physical. When you lack honour it shows, there is a smell that follows you.
Proverbs 3:9- “ Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase:..” God wants us to honour him with the first substance of our increase. Meanwhile, there are different people the Bible asked that we honour.
1. Honour God; many pray to a God they do not honour. God wants his honour. The way you come to Church, the way you dress, the way you talk about God, one will think is not God that created you. When people are speaking or saying something about a man of God, you keep quiet. Honour God with everything you have, let you and yours glorify God
2. Your Parents – Ephesians 6:2-3 – “Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth”.
When you are praying and your parents are not happy with you; then there is a problem.
3. Honour the servant of God. The Bible actually talks about double anointing. 1 Timothy 5:17 – “Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine”.
4. Honour your spouse- so your prayers will not hang. Ensure your spouse is happy before praying. Woman honour your husband, I know you earn more than him but behave yourself that your prayers would not be hindered.
Last principle is Prayer. It is like nothing happens without prayer.
James 5:18-“And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit”.
Prayer is deliberate effort to cause changes. There was a time I waited on God for some ridiculous amount of money and prayed– this type of prayer is called target prayers. There is a point you get to during those prayers that you know that you have conquered, it is called “Note of Victory” – Note that if you do not succeed in secret you would not succeed in public. When I finished my prayers, I rose up and had breakfast, and then my miracle came. Without begging; people sent money and my needs were met. If there is something you are waiting on God for, stay in your room and call on a God from heaven He will answer you in Jesus name, Amen. God will honour you, but add to your faith, virtue and prayer. Sometimes, people that you think will pity you need help themselves. When you obey all these principles. Have faith, be virtuous and be prayerful; you will bear fruit in abundance.
Henceforth practice it. Pray to God to help your character, to know how to honour God with your money, buy something for your husband, wife, ask God for grace to have faith and be strengthened in character, to free everyone that has offended you. Always say your prayers and do not think them. May the merciful Lord answers your prayers in Jesus name, Amen.
The Principles of Fruitfulness, by Rev’d Alexander Faranpojo, President Virtues Christian Ministries International on February 14, 2016.