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It Shall Be As The Lord Has Commanded, by Deacon Razak Obadina

Text: Acts 27: 9-27

The year has been declared as the year of Apostolic grace and Apostolic power. As a foreword from the pastorate regarding the theme and I quotes “Apostolic means something that is pertaining to either an apostle or the apostle of Christ, their time, their faith, their peculiar spirit and practice”. For us to experience and be established in these promises we need to believe and run with it daily this year because 2nd Chronicles 20:20b stated that we should believe in the Lord our God, and we shall be established, we should also believe in His prophets and we shall prosper.

In January of this year it was revealed to us as the month of the remaking of destiny, in February we were told to prepare for great drought. In March, divine help was made available for us. And now we are in April we are to expect the father’s blessings.

The Apostle possesses the key seven-fold ministry apart from our Lord Jesus and were also the original disciples called by Christ himself.

Now, grace simply means enjoying what you did not deserve; something you did not work for that was handed over to you.

  1. We were saved by grace according to Ephesians 2 vs 8-9
  2. We were enriched by the grace of Christ 2nd Corinthians 8 vs 9
  3. Grace allows us to enter into our blessing/place of rest
  4. Grace make us great and  raises us up
  5. Grace enables us to do what ordinarily we can’t do.

Examples of those who enjoy the grace of God are

  1. Solomon, a beloved of the lord 2nd Samuel 12 vs 24-25
  2. Jesus an epitome of the grace of God 2nd Corinthians 8 vs 9
  3. Paul 1st Timothy 1 vs 12-16
  4. The Apostles had great grace upon them. Acts 4 vs 33b

Power is simply ability or an enablement to do a work. Powers are in categories due to their different effects in “building up” or in terms of destruction. For example, the firepower of a shotgun is lower than that of a machine gun which is lower than that of a military tank and that of a missile. The Holy Spirit is known as the enabler. The Holy Spirit empowers the apostle to enable them to fulfil their destiny/calling in Acts chapter 2. Even Jesus needed to be empowered by God to fulfil his calling (Acts 10 vs 38). For David to defeat Goliath the champion of the Philistines, he had to be anointed by the prophet of God through Prophet Samuel (1st Samuel 16 vs 13).

The declaration is a sure word/promise of what God is going to do for us as revealed through his prophet (Amos 3 vs 7). Who is making such declarations?

God himself is making these declarations.

Who is God?

  1. The owner of heaven and all that is on the earth (Psalms 146 vs 5-6, Psalm 24 vs 1)
  2. God called those things which be not as though they were (Romans 4 vs 17b)
  3. He does as He pleases (Psalms 115 vs 3)
  4. When God speaks it is done (Numbers 23 vs 19)
  5. Power belongs to God (Psalms 62 vs 11)
  6. He answers prayers (Psalms 65 vs 2)
  7. God is good (Psalms 34 vs 8)
  8. Nothing is too difficult for God (Luke 1 vs 37)

To key into His declaration for this year we need to do the following:

  1. We need to believe in His declaration knowing that He will bring to pass. Mark 9 vs 23. We also need to add to our faith diligent (James 2 vs 26b, Proverbs 22 vs 29).
  2. Keep asking in prayer until our joy is full (John 16 vs 24). Bringing down the presence of God in praise and worship (Psalm 22 vs 3)
  3. We need to be courageous to confront issues that come our way daily with the help of the lord
  4. Holiness should be our lifestyle for us to see the lord and His goodness. Hebrew 12 vs 14
  5. Get prepare for the second coming of our Lord as there is a crown of righteousness waiting for us.

The sermon, It Shall Be As The Lord Has Commanded, by Deacon Razak Obadina, was delivered on April 8th, 2018.

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