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April 2018 Theme – Expectant of The Father’s Promise

Expectant can be defined as “Expecting; anticipating or hopeful”. It can also mean “Having expectations especially of possession of something or prosperity”. Promise, on the other hand, can be defined as “A declaration that one will or refrain from doing something specified”. It can also mean “Something that is promised”.

In this day and age where life is so complex and people are so unpredictable; it is very difficult to hold unto most promises. Anyone can give their word today, and tomorrow renege on what they have said. I would think that one the strongest expectation of promise is that which exists between a child and his/her parent. Every child believes that whatever his/her parent says; they will do it. Most parent will strive to provide whatever they have promised their child, no matter what it takes. We, however, have Someone who can do beyond all that we can ask or imagine (Ephes. 3: 20). He is called “The Everlasting Father”.

As Jesus was rounding up His assignment on Earth; He charged and later reminded His apostles to wait for the Father’s promise before they commence their own assignment (Lk. 24: 49; Acts 1: 4-5). What was this promise? The Father had promised long before that a time would come when His Spirit will not just come upon man temporarily; but will permanently reside in man (Joel 2: 28-29); and that as a result of this, man will be able to do amazing things.

When the apostles did what Christ had said; to their amazement, the Father’s promise was delivered to them and they became extraordinary vessels in God’s hands (Acts 2: 1-4).

In this month of April, I am persuaded by the Spirit of God that certain promises the Everlasting Father Himself has made to us as a group and as individuals will be delivered. I, therefore, charge us to allow our expectation regarding such promises to be very high; and also be very hopeful and eager to receive them. Our expectation shall not be cut off nor denied in Jesus name. Amen!

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