July 2017 Theme – Moving Higher In Glory
The life we live is continuously changing. Nothing appears to be constant. The bible makes us to know that “To everything, there is a season, and a time to everything under the heaven” (Eccl. 3:1).
Within those seasons and times, other variations still occur. Just like there is a time to be born and a time to die, within which other variations still happen.
Only God possess the attribute of being constant and never changing (Mal. 3:6). He is the Ancient of days; Unchangeable God; the I am that I am, etc. As for us humans, our lives do change. There is the possibility of a life moving from bad to good; worse to good; good to worse; good to bad; good to better; better to best; etc.
Interestingly, Apostle Paul says that for a Christian who pays attention to Christ and His words, the life of such a believer will receive transformation unto the image of Christ, and if the believer still keeps his gaze on Christ Jesus, he/she will keep moving from glory to glory (2 Cor. 3:18).
The bible make us to know that Joshua was among the 12 spies who went to view Canaan, that alone was a level of glory and honour (Num. 13:1-16). Joshua was also an aide to Moses, which also conferred great recognition to him (Num. 27:18-23).
At the departure of Moses, Joshua entered into a higher level of glory and honour that he had never been before. No one was able to stand before him or fight him (Jos. 1:1-6).
To experience glorious living is sweet, to move up in levels of glory is even more so. In this month and beyond, God will increase us tremendously in glory and honour; He will put His fear upon us, so that no power will be able to mess about with us. May this be our portion in Jesus name. Amen!