Submission To The Father, by Bishop Praises Omole

Submission To The Father, by Bishop Praises Omole

What is submission? Submission is the action of accepting or yielding to the way of a superior force; to the will or to the authority of another.

Thank God today is youth Sunday because I think youth should hear this. There are things I know now, that I wish I knew before. I’m sure if I’ve known such before, I won’t be where I am today. I believe I would have progressed beyond this point in my life.

Having risen to the position of Bishop in the Anglican Communion. I thought it was then time for me to relax and enjoy. God later impressed it upon my mind to start a school within another school where young people will be raised as disciples of Christ and champions for God. It was a huge submission for me.

God is always looking for young persons to use. God used David for His glory at a very young age (1 Sam. 17:42). David was about 15 years old when he brought down Goliath. The age of enlistment into Israel Army at the time was 20 years. David was not old enough to join the Army, so he would at least be younger to 20 years. This is an example of what we can achieve for God as young people. May you all bring down your “Goliath” in Jesus name.

The “Goliath” facing you can be an opposition, whatever it is that stands tall and intimidates you. Something between you and your destiny. In the name of Jehovah, that Goliath is going down.

The second one that strikes me, that could this really be in the bible is Josiah (2 Chronicles 34:1-2). Josiah was 8 years old when he became king, and he reigned for 31 years.

He was able to do the will of God. His reign was good.

The last one that strikes me, which many of you may not like, as its slightly against western culture, but in the scripture is Mary, mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-33). The age of betrothal in Jewish culture by this time was around 14-15 years. So the mother of Jesus was a young person.

What is common about these three and the way they served the Lord?

Why was David able to bring down Goliath? From around verse 37, King Saul agreed that David could go and fight Goliath. They put on him the weapons of war in their time. David, however, declined these. He preferred to go in the way of his God.  The only key that helped David was that he submitted to God’s way.

There was a giant standing; his elder brothers were in the army; all the soldiers were fearful, the king was afraid; the small boy, however, said he would go. It can only be God.

No matter how foolish and senseless God’s will for us might seem; may God help us to submit to them in Jesus name. So David went to the brook and took 5 smooth stones, symbolising Jesus. With that Goliath came down.

How was Josiah able to succeed as a ruler? He did what was right in the eyes of God and he followed in the ways of his father David. Many times we know what is right and wrong, but we seldom do what is pleasing to us. Submission is to say to God, ‘even though I don’t like it, but I will do it’.

How did Mary become the earthly mother of Jesus? Submission. She was a teenager; not yet married. She was to conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost. Who will believe her story? She could lose her fiancé or worst still be stoned to death! It’s an impossible story to tell and to believe. But Mary told the angel in Lk. 1: 38, that it should be unto her as it was said. That was a clear statement of submission!

God has impressed it upon my heart that there is a woman here, God says go back to your husband. There is a man here, God says it is time you quit that job. God says I should tell a young lady here it’s time you let go of that relationship. You are struggling because you think your lifeline depends on it.

I wish I gave enough time to exposing what Mary meant when she said she is The Lord’s servant. There are about three words denoting the word ‘servant’ in the bible. The first one is ‘uperetis’; the second one is ‘daikonon’ and the third one is ‘dulos’.

Uperetis – Servant but still a boss to other servants – steward.

Daikonon – Servant that is assisting a master – a regular servant.

Dulos- the Lowest level of servanthood – a slave. In Israel, slaves don’t have name. They are like property. That was the level of Mary’s submission.

In Ephes. 6:1-3, God asked children to obey or submit to their parents. Some young person needs to hear this, you are called unto submission. Even Jesus the Son of God, submitted to His Heavenly Father, and also earthly parents. In the Garden of Gethsemane, despite the untold pain, Jesus said: “not my will, but your will be done”.

Submission demand or require two things:

Obedience fuelled by faith. Just make up your mind that you will obey. Abraham was a good example. God asked him to go to a place where he didn’t know. Yet he went (Gen. 12:1-3). To someone here, as you leave this place, God will begin to speak certain things to you that are strange, but in obedience to them lies the key to your breakthrough. The children of Israel became as sands on the seashore because Abraham obeyed.

Dedication even if it means dying (Mt 6:26; Gal. 2:20). You must come to that point, where you know that you don’t exist anymore and that everything you exist for is for the Lord. Just as a dead man could not respond to a slap. There is a businessman here who says “they started it, so I had to retaliate”. That is not submission. When you obey this, your door will open and fruitfulness becomes your portion.

As you go today, you will be fruitful; you will multiply. You will replenish and subdued the earth. You will have dominion over all. But the key to all these is submission.


Father, teach me to die to self.

Father, teach me to submit no matter the pain or the price I need to pay.

Father, teach me to cease to exist for myself.

The sermon was delivered by Bishop Praises Omole, Rector of St. Francis of Assisi Theological College, Wusasa, Zaria on the 17th February 2019.