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How God Treats His Special Treasures, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

What is a Treasure?

Treasure can be defined as “valuable or precious possessions of any kind; someone considered especially precious or valuable; a thing or person that is highly prized or valued”.

Types of treasures

Treasures can differ in the degree of value or cherishing due to several reasons.

The way we treat them usually depend on the worth or value we placed on them: this may be due to how much we paid for them; the reason for their purchase; the personal attachment we have for them; etc.

2 Tim. 2:20 – But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.

Does God have treasures?

The heavens, the earth, the whole universe and all that are in them were all created by God. These are all His treasures. They are the works of His hands. Everything we see has the signature of God on it. They speak on His behalf.

Psalm 19:1 – The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork.

Gen. 1:1, 31 – In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Does God have special treasures?

Even though God made everything and there is nothing that was made that He didn’t make.

Yet, among His creations, He had a special treasure. It was man and is still man. Why? It is because man was not just created as other things; he was formed and made in the image and likeness of God.

Gen. 2:7: And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.

That is why the dominion to subdue and replenish the earth was given unto man by God. We are not the biggest of God’s creation. If God goes by that, Dominion could have been given to whales in the sea or elephants on the ground. We, however, have the supremacy because we are His special treasure.

But because of the sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; even though man still occupies a valuable place in the heart of God; he, however, lost the intimacy and friendship with God.

For a man to achieve that special treasure in the sight of God again, man must be redeemed from his sins and be reconciled again to God as friends. The only way that can happen would be that a man that has no sin must agree to die for those that have sinned.

Unfortunately, no man was sinless. The sin of Adam and Eve had passed unto their seeds and to the whole of humanity.

Gen. 5:3

And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:

There was discussion in heaven within the Godhead; it was agreed that God the Son will become a man; since He being God is sinless; He will be able to pay the wages for sin and whosever believes in the sacrifice He has made; and also accept Him as the Lord of their live will no longer have sin and as such will become a friend of God and ultimately His special treasure.

John 1:12 – But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

I Peter 2:9 – But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Are you one of the special treasures of God?

Let us look at a few of the kind of treatment that God’s special treasures enjoy. So you can be motivated to join or remain as one.

– God protect His special treasures from harm and hurt of the wicked.

Jacob family – Gen. 35:1-6

You will arrive at your Bethel (House of God). Promised land. Location of Divine vision and counsel. No harm shall come upon you.

Psalm 125:3 – For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity.

The wicked are always looking for who to strike. Their rod shall not rest on you.

Elisha – 2 Kings 6:15-17 – Any power that may have gathered to do you evil; may God strike them with blindness in Jesus name.

– God delivers His special treasures from unwarranted, unnecessary, untimely and undue death.

Our times are in God’s hands. He alone determines when we go. With the likely exception of a believer who is ignorant of who they are, no special treasure of God can die prior to the timings of God for their lives. It is not possible. Whether a believer dies young or old. It must, however, have to be God’s call and not an unwarranted death. God somehow reveal to His special treasures when it’s time.

Jesus – Mt. 2:13-15

To someone here, things may seem uncomfortable for you now, God says it is because He is hiding you yet. The ‘Herod’ hunting you shall soon be silenced.

Joseph – Gen. 37:18-22

You will not die before your time.

They may have sold you, but you have been sent to your stardom.

Those that have written you off shall become subjects to you.

Moses – Exodus 2:1-10

To someone here, God says, those that would have been a threat to you; He will compel them to guide you.

Your foes shall become your bodyguards. They will serve you dutifully, and without fail.

– God makes spectacular provisions for His special treasures.

Whether it is to a believer or an unbeliever, God makes food and sustenance available to all. But whenever His children are faced with daring circumstances; He makes spectacular escapes for them.

Elijah – I Kings 17:3-6, 7-15

Elisha – 2 Kings 6:24-33 (under king Jehoram).

Isaac – Gen. 26:1-14

Psalm 34:10 – The young lions do lack and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.

Psalm 37:25 – I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

I have witnessed it as I grew up. It’s amazing as I now also see God’s miraculous intervention in my life today as well.

If you are experiencing a tight situation right now, may God make spectacular provision available to you. May God command His hosts to make supernatural delivery to you.

– God always saves His special treasures from ridicule, shame and reproach.

One of the primary intentions of the Devil is to ridicule those who belong to God and to heap shame on them. God, however, specialises in saving His people from reproach.

There is a special blessing on the Abrahamic race that they will be fruitful. But they face an acute challenge of fruitlessness. Abraham waited for 100 years to have his first child (not counting Ishmael); Isaac for 60 years; Jacob for over 80 years. God, however, saved all of them from shame. They became fathers of multitudes.

Hannah and Elizabeth were devoted worshippers of God earmarked by Satan to suffer fruitlessness, but God turned them to spectacular showpieces for His glory. They gave birth to mighty vessels in God’s hands (Samuel and John the Baptist).

If the enemy has earmarked you for any kind of ridicule, shame or reproach; I decree in the name of Jesus that it will not happen.

In the name of Jesus, I change your ridicule to a miracle; I change your shame to fame and your reproach to approval.

–  God has a way of granting His special treasures exceptional favours.

God honours and blesses diligence and hard work of anyone, but exceptional favours are reserved for His favourites.

At a point in human history, God was angry with the whole of human race, He thought of wiping off mankind from the surface of the earth, but Noah and his family were preserved by Divine favour.

God was looking for a clan where the Messiah was to come; just by His favour, He separated Abraham for that purpose.

God was looking for who to rule after David; of all his sons, it was Solomon that was chosen. God was looking for a virgin to give birth to Messiah; it was Mary that was accorded that special favour.

This year, may the overwhelming favour of God come upon you. Things you couldn’t have imagined; things people wouldn’t have thought possible; may it happen for you in Jesus name.

– God makes greatness out of the lives of His special treasures.

While every one of us seeks and strive to make a name for ourselves, God, however, makes a great name out of the lives of His own.

God brought Abraham out of the Ur of Chaldeans and made a great name out of his life. The Jews, the Christians and the Muslims all call him father. Surprisingly, even in heaven and hell, he is still revered as a father (Luke 16:19-31). What a greatness!

There are less than 20 million Jews worldwide. But what a great name God has given them. In Science, Technology, Security, Military, etc. None can push them aside.

David was the 8th of the sons of Jesse. A shepherd boy in the field. God, however, gave him a great name, to the extent that Jesus who was born several generations after him was called the “Son of David”.

May God make your name great. More than what you will ever do, may your name echoes through many generations to come for good.

– God can because of the life of a special treasure of His preserve the lives of others.

Throughout history, God has preserved lives because of the life of someone special to Him.

When God planned to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham interceded for the cities. God assured him that if just 10 righteous persons were found, the lives of all the sinners would be preserved. Sadly, there were not up to ten righteous persons (Gen. 18: 23-33).

As the Israelites journeyed to the promised land, they angered God many times. God would have destroyed them in His wrath, but for the intercession of Moses (Num. 14:1-24; 21:1-9).

There is someone here, God says the mercies you have enjoyed so far is because of a predecessor of yours. Turn from your ways and serve me. Bring forth fruits of righteousness.

To another person, God says, though my anger burns around you as fire, I will preserve your own. I will preserve what is yours.

– God prevents His special treasures from falling.

We, humans, are prone to errors. Even the best of all saints can make mistake. The God we serve do not only judge the actions of men, but he also weighs the intention of our heart.

David was a man according to God’s own heart. He demonstrated great virtues commendable by God and man. He, however, fell in the matter relating to Bathsheba and Uriah.  Worse still he was trying to cover his sins. So that he wouldn’t remain in that state, God had to initiate his restoration by sending Prophet Nathan to him (2 Sam. 11:1-27; 12:1-14).

Psalm 37:23-24 – The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.

Moses made an error at the waters of Meribah; because of this, he couldn’t enter the earthly promised land. Satan intended to capitalise on this to take Moses to hell; God, however, disallowed it (Num. 20: 2-13; Jude 1:9).

Elijah made an error of running away from his Divine assignment; he was to die by self-induced hunger; God, however, fed him and reinstate his destiny (I Kings 19:1-8).

Peter made an error of lying and betrayed Jesus; because he was prayed for well ahead by Jesus that he wouldn’t walk away from faith, he became the backbone of the early church (Luke 22:31-32).

Both Abraham and Isaac committed errors of lying and denying their wives; this could have had serious consequences on the plan of God for their lives; and also contaminated the intended lineage of Christ; God had to intervene on their behalf (Gen. 12: 10-20, 26:6-11).

That is why I know that for someone here, you will not fall out with God. God will hold unto you.

In the final analysis of your life, you will still be in the faith. You will not deny faith.

How can I become God’s special treasure? How can I remain so?

– You must be born again and continue to have faith in Him (John 1:1; Heb. 1:6).

– You must obey God’s command to you – both universal and specific (John 15:10,14).

– You must make yourself useful in His hands (Mary – Luke 1:38).

– You must offer daring sacrifices to God (Hannah, Esther) Solomon – 1 Kings 3:3-15.

– You must announce Him to the world (Ex. 5:1; Mt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15-18).


I Peter 2:9- But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Father, distinguish me in life as Your chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a peculiar person. Let me be able to show forth Your praise, having been called out of darkness into Your marvellous light.

The sermon was delivered on February 24, 2019

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