A Life Seasoned By Mercy, by Pastor (Mrs) Wunmi Oladunjoye

A Life Seasoned By Mercy, by Pastor (Mrs) Wunmi Oladunjoye

Generation to generation have been frying chicken until KFC arrived on the scene. Kentucky Fried Chicken was started by Col. Harland Sanders in North Corbin on 20 March 1930. Col. Sanders created certain recipes which made his chicken stand out in taste and flavour. The seasoning made his own chicken tasteful and delightful such that it became desired all over the world. The seasoning consists of 11 herbs and spices which are kept as a secret. When ordinary fried chicken is put in a tray on a table and KFC chicken is also put in a tray on the same table; it is obvious that more people will go for the KFC chicken because it is more tasteful thank the ordinary fried chicken. Your life shall not be ordinary in Jesus name.

Mercy is a seasoning that turns ordinary life into an extraordinary, delightful and enviable life. A life that is not seasoned by God will go through hardship, rejection, struggles, failures; and such a life may eventually end up in disaster like that of King Saul.

An example of a life that was seasoned by God’s mercy is that of King David – the man after God’s heart. David’s life was seasoned with mercy not because of what he had done but because God just chose to show Him mercy.

Rom. 9:15-16 (NLT).

May God choose you for His mercy. It was not David’s effort. It was just God’s prerogative. Mercy means not getting punishment from God as a result of your sins, and obtaining from God the blessings that one does not deserve. When you examine the life of David; you can see these two coming to play.

Seven characteristics of a life that is seasoned by the mercy of God:

  1. The mercy of God makes the forgotten to be remembered. You shall not be forgotten in Jesus name (I Sam. 16: 1-13).

Instead of Jesse to bring all his sons before Prophet Samuel, he forgot David completely. David was in the bush and did not know what was going on in the city, but the mercy of God brought him into remembrance. Samuel said they would not sit down until David arrived.

There are people here who have been forgotten in the bush of life. Nobody remembers them when good things are coming; when it’s promotion time; when there is an opportunity or an open door. It is after the opportunity has passed, that they are suddenly remembered. That is the work of the enemy. The mercy of God forced Jesse to remember David while Samuel was still waiting. God chose him for greatness. That greatness would have eluded him if not for God’s mercies. Whenever you’re been forgotten for good things, God’s mercy will make you be remembered. Your destiny helper will remember you; they will seek for you. Powers that every power that is blocking your remembrance away from those that should help you are destroyed today.

  1. The mercy of God magnifies you and gives you the recommendation that you did not solicit for. When there was a vacancy in the palace to look for who could be of help to King Saul; one of the king’s officers gave an unusual recommendation for David. If one looks closely at that recommendation, one will see that it was exaggerated. But it was God’s mercy upon David that was at work. May mercy work for you in Jesus name.

I Sam. 16:14-23

David was again in the bush, but the mercy of God raised somebody in the palace to give a recommendation that was obviously an exaggeration on his behalf. That unsolicited reference given by that palace officer made David become a palace dweller. From the bush straight to the palace. David was still a teenager at this point, but what a recommendation he was given! He had not fought Goliath at this time. May the mercy of God make someone to recommend you to a position of greatness in Jesus name.

There are some people even though they qualify, certain people will stand in their way to hinder them. They are not in the meeting, so they will not know. A voice of opposition instead of a recommendation. I declare to you that any power that has been opposing the fulfilment of God’s plan for you shall be eliminated in Jesus name. the mercy of God will raise people to speak on your behalf in high places in Jesus name. I don’t know who I’m talking to, you are going to higher ground. Not by your power or might, not even because of your qualification; but because God’s mercy has picked you today.

  1. The mercy of God gives you constant victory in the battle of life. When David volunteered to fight Goliath, it was God’s mercy upon his life that fought for him and gave him the victory. Before even he fought Goliath, the mercy of God had been giving him victories over lions and bears that fought against him in the bush. (I Sam. 17:32-37).

And so, it was that God gave David victory over Goliath on that day (1 Sam. 17:42-51). When your life is seasoned with mercy, no one can touch you, because God will give you victory always. David stood his ground against Goliath and God brought Goliath down. I see your Goliath fall in Jesus name. your enemies will begin to run from you. Every Goliath that has been harassing your life shall be brought down. All the ‘lions’ and ‘bears’ of this world that have been attacking you in the dream; because of the mercy of God upon your life, they shall be destroyed.

4. The mercy of God averts God’s judgement. Instead of you being punished like others; God turned His eyes away from your error. When David was running away from King Saul, he and his men ate the showbread that was meant to be eaten by only priests, God mercy, however, protected him from judgement; haven touched and eaten what was hallowed (Mt. 12:3-4). David ate the bread, gave his men also; guess what? God looked away. God did not judge him, because his life was seasoned with mercy. May God seasoned your life with mercy. Let me show you another life that suffered from God’s mercy.

Daniel 5: 1-7; 23-26 (GNT). David and his men went into the temple and took God’s bread and ate; Belshazzar took God’s cups from the temple to drink wine. One was spared, the other was judged severely. May mercy speak for you. There are some people who are always in constant troubles for one reason or the other; as they are coming out of one, they entered another one. Even when someone else is responsible for an offence, they get punished for it. What is happening is that they lack mercy. Whereas there are people who commit an error and go free as mercy is speaking for them. If you are suffering from such, mercy will speak for you today in Jesus name.

5. The mercy of God preserves. David enjoyed Divine preservation throughout his life because his life was seasoned by God’s mercy. King Saul made several attempts against his life, but God preserved him. May mercy preserve you. May mercy preserve your household. When they are killing everywhere, may you be exempted.

I Sam. 23:14, King Saul was desperately looking for an end to David’s life; but God did not deliver him into Saul’s hands. I pray for everyone under the sound of my voice, God will not deliver you into the hands of your enemies. No matter how hard they pursue you, they will not get you; they will not get your spouse; they will not get your children; they will not get your grandchildren.

2 Sam 8: 6,14

Wherever you go, you will become untouchable for the wicked, for the witches and wizards, powers of darkness in Jesus name.

6. The mercy of God brings abundant provision. David enjoyed Divine provision throughout his lifetime. People who are seasoned with the mercy of God do not suffer lack. David made provision for his son to build God’s temple. By the time you leave this world, your children will have entered untold and abundant inheritance in Jesus name. there are parents that are looking into the hands of their children to feed, but when mercy is in operation in your life, you will have excess to give to your next generation. By the time David died, the mercy of God had made him wealthy (I Chro. 29:26-28).

You will not die young. May you be honoured in life. You will not lack anyone that will take over from you. Someone that will come from your loins/womb. If you are here or you know someone that is trusting God for the fruit of the womb; in the name of God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, receive your request in Jesus name. be fruitful, multiply in Jesus name. God is a God abundance. When he seasoned your life with mercy, whatever is called lack, poverty, insufficiency will vacate your life.

7. The mercy of God brings Divine restoration and recovery. David enjoyed recovery of everything that was stolen from him and his men by the Amalekites as they sojourned in Ziklag (I Sam. 30:3-4, 18-19). I don’t know what the enemy has stolen in your life, the mercy of God will empower you to recover all in Jesus name.


Isaiah 55:3

Oh Lord, give me the sure mercy of David. Father enter into an everlasting covenant of mercy with me in Jesus name.

David lived a flourishing life. Father seasoned my life with your mercy. Let my life be glorious, colourful, tasteful and delightful.

Exodus 20:6

In the name of Jesus, Oh Lord, help me to love you from now on until I see your face in glory.

Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Pastor (Mrs) Wunmi Oladujoye, Holy Ghost Zone, London at the 13th Anniversary Service on July 14, 2019.