The Seven Facets of Heavenly Beam, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye
Numbers 6: 22-27
And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying, Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel, saying unto them,
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.
Beam is a ray of light, an illumination that reveals or showcase what could otherwise have been hidden. When this ray is associated with God or from heaven, it is a heavenly beam.
In this scripture we can itemised seven ways by which one can ascertain that a life is under the beam of the Almighty, or seven prayer points for someone in order that they might enjoy the beam of the Almighty God.
1 – May God bless thee.
True and lasting blessings come from Jehovah. People may try to be a blessing, but only a little of what they have been blessed by God. People might give money, clothes, cars, houses, etc. Many a times, the sort of blessings we passionately require, man can’t even give them. For example, long life, good health, children, joy, etc. are all blessings from God alone.
God is the only one that can supply above what we think or imagine. Man will bless you to a limit that you will need to come back.
As a matter of fact, a blessing from God is enough to sort one out forever. God gave Joseph one blessing (dreams and interpretations), he was sorted for a lifetime.
I have heard many people and even ministers of God saying the word ‘bless you”. I found it strange as no man can do that. Though, I recognised that this is done in ignorance, as such words carry no power. It’s a mere wish or a careless statement.
God is the only One that can say “bless you”.
In Judaism and Christianity, the higher blesses the lower and the lower prays for the higher. However the name of Jehovah must be used! Without that, the act is useless!
May God bless you.
2 – May God keep thee.
One of the topmost desires of man is protection, security or safety. Man has always been desperate to get this at all cost. Protections from death, sicknesses, diseases, losses, etc. are things that people run after.
Man knowing that they have no power over these things have devised another way of having insurance as a relief should in case those things occur.
Our God however can keep one from death, sickness, disease, losses. More than these, He can keep our feet from falling, our eyes from tears, our heart from sorrows, from the smiting of the sun and the moon, etc.
It was the protection of God upon David that preserved him till he became the king of Israel and lived till 70 years. Protection from bears, lions, giants, siblings, kings, sons, etc.
May God keep you.
3 – May God face shine on you.
The Sun is an integral part of our solar system. It has many benefits to our world. At times the cloud is thick and the sun hardly reveals itself. At other times, the sky is clear and the sun shines bright. When the sun is shining, its benefits outweighs when it’s not. We receive warmth, power, evaporation, photosynthesis, beauty, etc.
Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness, when He shines on a life; the person receives greater benefits than when He’s not. There will be Divine warmth, power, life, beauty, elevation, recognition, etc.
It was the face of God that shone on Moses that makes the Israelites to bow to him when they stood before him. They could not look at his face because of the radiance and brightness (Ex. 34:29-35).
May God face shine on you.
May the Sun of Righteousness rise on you. May His life and joy flow into you.
4 – May God be gracious to you.
In our dealing with people, we must have met those who are kind. But the one who is kind today may not be that kind tomorrow. The same thing applies to us as we deal with different people.
When people are kind to you, it may be that they are repaying a good deed, or they are seeking a favour. However God is just kind and His kindness is borne out of His love.
God is merciful. He is compassionate. God’s grace is such that it cannot be questioned.
It was the graciousness of Jehovah that guaranteed a place for Moses in heaven.
It was the graciousness of Jesus that spared the life of the Woman caught in adultery.
May Jehovah be gracious to you.
May God overlook your limitations and shortcomings in Jesus name.
5 – May God lift up His countenance to you.
It is possible that you don’t lift up your eyes when someone is standing speaking before you. Even when they tell you that they are talking, you may just say, I’m listening and yet not give them attentive look.
Also it is possible that one face is hostile as you speak to them, so that one may end the conversation quickly because of the unwelcoming countenance of whom one is talking to. Or when you entered their office, it’s either you know that you are in a wrong place or have come at the wrong time.
So that when God lifts up His countenance to you, it means that God is not just listening to you, but giving you rapt attention.
Not only is God attending properly to you, His countenance will be welcoming as well.
It was this that distinguished the life of the woman with alabaster box. Jesus against all negative opinion gave heed to her, blotted out her sin and granted her a sweet and pleasing memorial.
May God always welcome you into His presence. May God attend to you specially.
6 – May God grant you peace. Just like protection, one other crucial thing man seek earnestly is peace. It is one commodity that money can’t buy. Internal and external peace is essential commodities that men seek regardless of their status.
Ironically, the more influential a man is, it appears the less peace they have. We all seek peace from wars, conflicts, disturbances, issues of life, difficult situations, storms, etc.
But God is the only one that can give peace that can’t be understood. Peace as calm as a settle river comes from God. When He commands it, it’s established.
It was the heavenly beam that granted Solomon peace and rest from all sides. Even before he was born, God already told his father that Solomon will be a man of peace. He was given victorious reign without wars.
Enemy nations all around willingly made treaties with him.
May God grant you peace. You will enjoy peace from within and peace from without in Jesus name.
7 – Final facet is that the name of God will be seen on the fellow. Our parents gave us names when we were born, within those names, God can make out a name for Himself, so that men may fear Him.
God changed the name of Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah, so that when people hear of them, the name of God will be glorified.
Jacob name was changed to Israel, again when people hear his storyline, glory will be given to God.
How God changed the name of David and fit Himself in, so that people can call Jesus the Son of David.
Moses was a man that God put His name upon. He was a god to Pharaoh and Egypt. Pharaoh knew that when Moses showed up, problem has come for him.
May God name be upon you.
For God to reveal who He is to you.
That the beam of God will reveal your true person to Mankind.
That people will suddenly take notice of you in a positive way.
Father, thank you for the mercy drops, let me begin to enjoy showers of Your blessings.
Father, let Your ray of light be vivid upon my life.
Father, please let Your full beam of light be focused on me.
Father, let a Your spotlight on me change my present status to a miraculous one.
Father, let Your rays improve my insight and foresight.
Father, let Your presence remain with me throughout my lifetime.
The Seven Facets of Heavenly Beam, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye was delivered on October 25th 2015