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What Do You Make Of Jesus, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

We are gathered here today to lift up the name of Jesus. Not because the name is a low name; but because God has lifted up Jesus name above all other names; and as such, we today join all other hosts in heaven and on the earth to acknowledge and celebrate the greatness of the name of Jesus (Phil. 2:5-11).

I want to believe that every one of us here is familiar with the name of Jesus. The important message I want to drive home today is “Who is Jesus to you?” since Jesus came to the world as a Son of Man, there are many perceptions of Him in the hearts of men.

Some perceived Him to be Prince of Devils; some thought He was either Moses or Elijah that came back again. Others perceived Him to be another prophet; some thought He was the Messiah; few thought He was Son of God and God as well.

But the most important question to every one of us this morning is “Who is Jesus to you? What do you think of Him? Who have you taken Him to be?”

When Jesus was standing trial before Pilate – the Governor of Palestine/Judea; he asked the people who came to watch the trial a crucial question, “What shall I do then to this Jesus which is called Christ?”

Mt. 27:15-23

This is a question that all humanity will have to grapple within their lifetime and afterlife. The answer an individual give will reflect how they have come to know Jesus, and it will be a determinant of where they will spend their eternity.

On this fateful day; Pilate did not want to kill Jesus. He actually wanted to release Him. He also wanted to know more about Him.

On the other hand; the crowd were confused as to what to do with Jesus; while their leaders were determined to crucify Him.

Ever since then, these have been the three views and treatments that the person of Jesus has received in the hearts of men. Few have wanted Him; many are confused about Him, and some are determined to kill the name.

Can I put the question of Pilate again to us this morning? What will you do with the Man that was called Jesus of Nazareth?

Three things you can do:

  1. Neglect and disregard Him as a person of no interest. Many believed that the Messiah is yet to come. Especially the Jews (Mt. 28:11-15). Other religions see Him as just a prophet; Atheist; Agnostics; etc, have no regard for Him.
  2. Crucify Him the second time. Jesus had been crucified before, He rose up on the third day and He is now at the right hand of God the Father. Many who believe in God can however still re-crucify Jesus in their actions; demonstration of faith and their way of life; mainly by living in sins that Jesus had paid for (Heb. 10:26-27).
  3. Celebrate Him for the victorious power He made available to those who believe in Him and obey His words. Such that if you are still living when He comes again; you will not die. And if you have slept in Him by the time He comes again; you will rise to eternal life (John 11:21-26).

Many believers today acknowledge Jesus as their Saviour but fall short of treating Him as Lord of their lives.

As I round up this short admonition, is Jesus Christ truly your Lord? Is He the Lord over your flesh? Temperament? Eyes? Hand? Ego? Time? Relationships? Money? Decisions you take? You can’t have Him as Saviour and not as Lord; Jesus will not agree to be one of the two; He wants to be both.

Anointing – Amazing transformation to your purpose and destiny. Three examples are given by God:

  1. King Saul – Farmer to king/sign of prophecy (Hill of God).
  2. Moses – From a fugitive that was living off his father in law to the lord to Pharaoh (Horeb/Sinai Mt of God).
  3. Saul of Tarsus – from a Pharisee to an Apostle of Christ.

When you go from here, you will start experiencing amazing transformation to your destiny.

In your wildest dream, you would not have imagined what you will experience from now on.

You are leaving here different and better from how you came.

I will endow you with supernatural power for uniqueness.

Your destiny shall enjoy a supernatural upgrade.

The sermon was delivered on September 29, 2019

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