Text: Romans 13:7
- It means that there are people we must respect, and there are those we must honour.
- Failure to do so is a transgression of the law. Every transgression of the law is sin.
- Disobedience to this law is a root cause of many problems: whether in homes; in churches and even in societies. God wants us to have respect and honour for Him and others.
What is Respect?
- Respect is a positive feeling of admiration for a person or other entity for their specific actions and conduct that merits such respect. E.g. respect of a nation that cares for its citizens.
- Respect is given to an entity for what they do or what they have done in the past. E.g. Military.
- A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. E.g. Olympic champ.
- Respect is usually earned by demonstrating certain attributes: mastery; courage; compassion; intelligence; etc.
Biblical examples of respect given
- Joseph Aramateaus – Mark 15: 43
- Cornelius – Acts 10:22
- In your family, church and society, what are doing to respect people and be a person of respect?
What is Honour?
- It is to recognise and show public admiration for someone and showing them respect, as that shown for special merit; and giving recognition or esteem to those who deserve it. E.g Firefighters; Royals.
- Honour is higher than respect, by one’s judgement, an individual might not qualify for one’s respect; honour however must still be given. E.g. a person abandoned by their parent as a child.
- Every person given honour; should be also be respected. E.g. Couples
Biblical examples of honour given
- Haman honoured Mordecai as commanded – Esther 6:10-12
- Joshua had honour bestowed upon him by Moses – Numbers 27:16-23
- Do you present yourself as a person of honour? Who can you not honour?
Who should I respect and honour? 1. God
(Psalms 22: 23; Isaiah 29:13; Rev. 4 10-11)
How to honour God
- With our time (Ps. 144:4; Isaiah 58:13-14; Col. 4:5)
- With our talents/Gifts/Abilities/Skills (Mt. 25:14-30)
- With our body (I Cor. 6: 18-20).
- With our substance (Prov. 3:9; Mt. 6:21; Mal. 3:10).
- From our heart (Isaiah 29:13; Prov. 3:5; Psalms 51:10
- In our character (James 1: 19-20; Prov. 6: 16-19; Ps. 35: 28).
Why should I honour God?
There are rewards for doing so:
- Enjoy Divine honour – I Sam. 2:30
- Enjoy Divine abundance – Prov. 3:9-10
- Enjoy unimaginable favour – I Kings 3:3-14
- Enjoy Divine stardom – I Sam. 17: 31-37
Who should I respect and honour? 2. Parents
(Pro. 23: 22; Ex. 20:12; Ephes. 6: 2-3).
How to honour your parents
- Forgive them
- Talk to them
- Speak peaceable with them
- Speak well of them to others
- Support them in their old age
- Provide for them
- Appreciate their wisdom
Why should I honour my parents?
- It is one of the top 10 commandments of God. (Ex. 20:12)
- For long life and prosperity (Dt. 5:16).
- For your own children to honour you. (Gen. 8:22)
Who should I respect and honour? 3. Spouse
- I Peter 3: 1-7; Ephes 5:33
How to honour your spouse
- Understand their view of honour
- Greet them
- Don’t compare them with someone else’s spouse.
- See them as an asset to you.
- Be faithful to them, even when things are not rosy.
- Listen to their suggestions.
- Don’t demean them in public.
- Help them to grow.
Why should I honour my spouse?
- It is a command from God.
- So that your prayers will be answered. (I Peter 3:7).
- You are being watched by all. (2 Cor. 3:2-3).
- Your children will copy you. (Gen. 18:18-19).
- Who should I respect and honour? 4. Spiritual leaders
(I Tim. 5: 17; I Thes. 5: 12).
How to honour your spiritual leader
- Don’t speak bad of them in private and in public. Go to them instead (Num. 27: 1-11).
- Don’t engage in doing other things when they require your attention. (2 Kings 5: 20-27).
- Appreciate them with material gifts. (I Cor. 9:9-12).
- Don’t talk bad about what they have (Num. 12:1-2).
- Assist them (2 Kings 3: 11).
Who should I respect and honour? 5. The elderly
(Lev. 19: 32; Mt. 7:12).
Who should I respect and honour? 6. Your boss & Civil rulers
(I Tim. 6: 1; Romans 13: 1-7).
Who should I respect and honour? 7. One another
(I Peter 2: 17; Rom. 2: 10; Phil 2: 3).
Who should I respect and honour? 8. Children & Young ones
(Ephes. 6:4).
How to honour our children and young ones
- Show them affection
- Speak affirmative words to them
- Make them a priority/important
- Spend quality time with them
- Appropriate discipline
Are you guilty of any? Not too late to start now
- Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 3: 13-15, 28-30). First dishonoured God, bur changed.
- The siblings of Jephthah and the elders of Israel also changed (Judges 11: 1-11).
Excerpts of a sermon delivered by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye on the Special Family Service on November 10, 2019.