March 2021 Theme: Divine Release

March 2021 Theme: Divine Release

Release can be defined as ‘to set free from restraint, confinement, or servitude; to relieve from something that confines, burdens, or oppresses; to allow (something) to move, act, or flow freely; to remove restrictions or obligations from (someone or something) so that they become available for other activity; etc.

Divine can be defined as ‘something of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God. Therefore, Divine release can be said to be when the setting free from the restraint or burden was done by God; and/or when the setting free was to fulfil God’s pleasure.


In Ex. 3: 7-10, God told Moses that He had seen the affliction of His people in Egypt and have heard their cry from the hand of their taskmasters; and He has come to deliver them. He then sent Moses to Pharaoh the king of Egypt to demand the release of the children of Israel – his ‘firstborns’. God made Pharaoh to know that if he refused to allow His own children to go and worship Him; He would eliminate the firstborns of Pharaoh and his people as a result (Ex. 4: 21-23). After many plagues that befell Egypt and losing their firstborn sons; Pharaoh relinquished his grip on the children of Israel, and they were released to fulfil God’s purpose.


Also, in Mt. 21: 1-11, as Jesus was making preparation for His final journey in ministry; He sent two of His disciples to the village just before Jerusalem to demand the release of an ass and a colt that was tied down, for His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. This was already even prophesied by Prophet Zachariah before (Zach. 9: 9). The owners of the animals willingly let them go, not knowing who was taking them away, because “the Lord has need of them”.


In this month and henceforth, God is granting us the privilege to enjoy Divine release. By the power of the Almighty God, we shall enjoy release from any confinement, restraint, burden, oppression, taskmaster, Pharaoh, or any being or thing that had heretofore is claiming possession or control of us. The Lord surely has the need for us in the coming months and many years ahead. Therefore, the power of the Living God will set us free to fulfil His purpose. We will move and flow freely as the Lord requires from now on in Jesus name.