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December 2017 Theme – Timely Delivery

Timely can be defined as “Coming early or at the right time; appropriate or adapted to the times or the occasion. It can also mean something occurring at a suitable or opportune time”.

Delivery, on the other hand, can mean “The act of conveying or delivering; something delivered as a shipment or package; the act of transferring to another; the act of giving birth; the act or manner of speaking or singing; or the act of releasing or rescuing”.

In 2 Kings 4:8-17, it was brought to the attention of Prophet Elisha that the Shunemite woman who had shown him great honour and care was barren; so Elisha prophesied that the woman would have a son before a year’s time. Even though the woman did not believe or put her mind to the saying; the bible says the saying of Elisha came to pass within the stipulated time.

It is good enough that what the woman had been expecting and have lost hope actually happened, but better so is that the fact that the saying happened at the stipulated time or appropriate time.

In this month of December, God is assuring us that His prophecies, promises and words for our lives in the current year shall be timely delivered and occur at a suitable and opportune time. That no jot of His words concerning us shall be late nor fail to happen. May we all enjoy this timely transfer or delivery in Jesus name.

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