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MONDAY 25TH DECEMBER (Gen. 26: 1-14; I Kings 18:41-46).
1. Almighty Father, do something great Everlasting Father’s Assembly couldn’t have expected in this season and throughout the new year;
2. Almighty Father, make our motion to continually change in the forward and upward direction only;
3. Almighty Father, move us closer and closer to Your expected end for our lives in this year;
4. Almighty Father, in anyway that we have slacked behind, let Your Spirit move us forward;
5. Regardless of any prevailing factors that hinder men’s advancement in life and in this Nation, let us still experience surprise motion;
6. Almighty Father, help us to prepare adequately for the race of 2018;
7. Almighty Father, help us to navigate through 2018 with an amazing speed and progress in Jesus name.
8. Father, promote Everlasting Father’s Assembly members to a state of worth in Leeds and beyond;
9. Father, grant Everlasting Father’s Assembly exceptional steps towards Unimaginable Progress.
10. Almighty Father, grant us the grace for an uncommon soaring in 2018.
11. Almighty Father, make us a showpiece of Yours as people who are enjoying Your amazing power and grace.
12. Almighty Father, grant us the grace to soar above all situations and circumstances of life in Jesus name. Amen!

TUESDAY 26TH DECEMBER (2 Sam. 3: 1-5; Dan 2:46-49).
1. Father, let our Assembly develop daily.
2. Father, let our Assembly get better and better in everything.
3. Father, let the general course of event in Everlasting Father’s Assembly develop and progress continuously.
4. Father, grant Everlasting Father’s Assembly supernatural harvests in the New Year.
5. Father, do not let any environmental factor affect Everlasting Father’s Assembly negatively in any way.
6. Father, help Everlasting Father’s Assembly to become great; to go forward until we become extremely great.
7. Father, make Everlasting Father’s Assembly the envy of many in Jesus name.
8. Father, please make our progress in 2018 to be stunning and phenomenal.
9. Father, miraculously part any ‘Jordan’ that is blocking our path to our Promised Land in the coming year.
10. Almighty Father, make us to soar at an amazing altitude in life.
11. Almighty Father, help us to achieve all that we set out to do throughout the coming year.
12. Almighty Father, let our rate of accomplishments be swift, precise and perfect.

WEDNESDAY 27TH DECEMBER (Num. 27:18-23).
1. Almighty Father, please use us to cause great surprise and wonders to Mankind in a good way.
2. Almighty Father, let our church and people ascend miraculously in the ladder of life.
3. Almighty Father, let the magnitude and speed at which we rise defy human explanation.
4. Almighty Father, put in place a Divine plan for us that will surpass the promotion of men.
5. Almighty Father, make us to graduate from what we are doing now to more astonished assignments.
6. Almighty Father, promote us from ‘toiling in the fields’ to ‘having pleasure in palace corridors’ in Jesus name.
7. Father, let us enjoy good attention in the year 2018.
8. Father, let us enjoy remarkable strides throughout the new year in Jesus name.
9. Almighty Father, let the journey of our Parish destiny be the upward direction only.
10. Almighty Father, take us to a height where we will be able to simply glide effortlessly.
11. Almighty Father, let Your power upon our Parish be heightened in this season.
12. Almighty Father, make us to enjoy greater grace from You in the New Year.

THURSDAY 28TH DECEMBER (2 Kings 4:8-17)
1. Father, let my life continually change for the better.
2. Father, let me be able to fulfil the full season of my life.
3. Father, do not let me experience a better yesterday.
4. Father, let my life conform more and more to the image of Your dear Son.
5. Father, help me to keep my focus on Jesus till the end.
6. Father, make my level of glory and honour increase in the coming year.
7. Father, let great recognition be conferred on me by your Spirit.
8. Father, let Your promises upon my life in the coming year be promptly delivered.
9. Father, let none of Your promises regarding me in the coming fail to happen.
10. Father, surprise me for good in 2018 in an amazing way.

FRIDAY 29TH DECEMBER (John 5:1-15; Acts 28:30-31).
1. Father, grant me forward steps throughout the coming year.
2. Father, do not allow anything to interfere with my progress in the New Year.
3. Father, silence every opposition against me.
4. Father, destroy all kinds of chains or shackles that has held me bound so far.
5. Father, let me truly enjoy unhindered advancement in the coming year.
6. Father, do not allow anything to slow down my progress for 2018 in Jesus name.
7. Father, let my advancement defy any kind of hindrance that may come my way in Jesus name.
8. Father, make me to experience far beyond and above the progress I may imagine for 2018.
9. Father, grant me the power to move forward, advance and forge ahead in life.
10. Father, let my collective state be such that will propel us forward in life.

SATURDAY 30TH DECEMBER (Gen. 12:1-4; 22:15-18).
1. Father, flush out of my life any bad trait I may have inherited from my past generations.
2. Father, do not allow any genetic disorder to pass through me to my descendants.
3. Father, help me to leave a good legacy for the generations after me.
4. Father, while I yet live, let there be proof that I’m a joint heir with Christ.
5. Father, regardless of what I may possess on earth; help me to inherit your kingdom.
6. Father, let nations of the world be blessed through me.
7. Father, let Your blessings of multiplication, greatness, ownership, provision, longevity, upon Abraham be upon my life in Jesus name.
8. Father, grant me journey mercies in all my traveling next year.
9. Father, beyond my preparedness and deeds, grant me the supernatural favour to make unusual progress in 2018.
10. Father, bless me beyond the works of my hands and my efforts in 2018.

SUNDAY 31ST DECEMBER (I Peter 5:10).
1. Almighty Father, grant me Divine assistance to continually live a sanctified and regenerated life.
2. Almighty Father, let Your gift of grace upon my life be generously and lavishly given.
3. Almighty Father, let Your favour, love and kindness demonstrated on me be greatly multiplied.
4. Almighty Father, let my life be devoid of disturbances and repeated wars in the coming year.
5. Almighty Father, grant me true peace and make it to last throughout the New Year.
6. Almighty Father, count me among those You have purposed to show perpetual mercy and compassion to in 2018.
7. Almighty Father, let each day of 2018 for me and my family be characterised with great grace and great peace.
8. Father, grant me the intuition, knowledge and wisdom to effect necessary changes I need to move forward in the coming year.
9. Father, let my focus be on you alone and not on any being in 2018.
10. Father, help me to demonstrate all readiness required to progress in the coming year

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