11th Annual Conference – From Glory Unto Glory 2 Cor 3:18
Glory is one of the essential attributes of God. All glory belong to the Almighty. God can however reveal an aspect of His glory through any thing and by any means. One of such is through His word.
Apostle Paul, writing to the Corinthians told them how God intentionally made the revealed power of His word to appreciate from glory unto glory among His people. He said that in the Old Testament, God revealed His word in a letter form; received by Moses on Mount Sinai. It was such a glorious occurrence, to the extent that the face of Moses shone gloriously and no one could look at him (Ex. 34:29-35).
For as many as obeyed and kept those written word, their lives shone gloriously too. People like Joshua, David, Hezekiah, etc (2 Kings 18:1-8).
In the New Testament however, God through His Spirit revealed the Word (Jesus) incarnated in human form; of Which and Whom the glory was higher than the written word (John 1:14; Luke 9:28-30).
Invariably, Apostle Paul was saying that the manifestations of the word of God during the time of Moses was glorious; however the manifestations of the Word of God during New Testament up till now is by far more glorious (2 Cor. 3: 7-9).
The life of a child of God is not supposed to be static. It ought to be changed from glory to glory depending on how well he beholds the Word of God as a mirror to his life.
The life of Jesus on Earth, albeit very short was an example of a life that moved from glory unto glory. Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Ghost and given birth to by a virgin, this in itself was very amazing! (Mt. 1:18-25).
As the Child grew, by age 12, He was able to engage Professors of Theology in academic discussion to their surprise. The occurrences surrounding His life were very amazing (Luke 2:40-52). By age 30, Jesus fame began to spread throughout Galilee, and not long the whole of Judea began to shout “Hosanna in the highest” to Him (Luke 4: 14; Mt. 21:19).
Even in His crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension, the life of Jesus continued to change from glory unto glory. So that merely mentioning His name by faith is bound to produce glorious manifestations (Phil. 2: 9-10).
Everlasting Father’s Assembly could be said to have started from ‘a stone rejected by the builders’, but thank God as it has now become ‘the cornerstone’. This is The Lord’s doing, it is marvellous in our eyes (Psalm 118:22).
Even so, every step of the way, Everlasting Father’s Assembly has continued to enjoy the grace of God in many glorious ways. Despite several challenges, the church has continue to move on gloriously and the gates of Hell has never prevailed.
As we entered our eleventh year of glorious existence as a church, I hear God says, “Son, My glory upon you and the church shall step up. You will appreciate in My glory. My glory and honour upon your lives shall increasingly be heightened”.
May these be our portion in Jesus name. Amen!
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