May You Inherit The Throne of Glory, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye
As children of God, heaven is our final home. While we sojourn on earth, God still wants the best for us.
3 John 1:2 – Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
May God make you to prosper.
May you live in good health.
May your soul continue to prosper.
Hannah was a daughter of God. life became unbearable for her because she was yet to have a child. Though her husband loved her, but her co-wife was a menace. She made Hannah wept sore all the time.
Hannah’s husband tried to pacify her by comparing himself to ten sons (in Israel, if your husband loves you, it’s better than having ten sons for a husband who doesn’t care). Hannah however preferred to have the love of her husband plus a male child. That if God would do that for her, her life will be more glorious.
If there is something you want God to add to what you already have now, so that your life will be more glorious, may God do that thing for you in Jesus name.
The society we live occurs in strata. So that we can have people occupying very low, low, medium, high and very high strata of life. It happens that if one is born into a particular stratum, there is tendency that such a person will continue there, including the generation after them, if something drastic does not happen.
It is however possible to breakthrough upwards of one strata in few ways: diligence, special favours, cheating, diabolical means and by Divine intervention.
Sadly, if care is not taken, it is also possible to drop down societal strata as well.
May that not be your portion in Jesus name.
If you have already dropped, from the level you used to be, you will only go up from now on in Jesus name.
The most remarkable way of moving up the strata of life is by the lifting of the Almighty. May God lift you up in a spectacular way in Jesus name.
There are many thrones in life that men can ascend unto and can inherit. For example, we have thrones of riches (Bill Gates, Dangote); thrones of monarchy (Queen Elizabeth line up); thrones of politics (Bush, Kennedy); thrones of academia (one descendant); thrones of armed forces (one descendant); thrones of fame (Jacksons); etc.
However, there is what is called the ‘throne of glory’; this can only be given by God. Any of the thrones above can become a throne of glory, if God’s partnership with the person is certain.
Luke 15:31 – And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
May all that God have be reflected on you.
The bible makes us to know that Hannah and her son (Samuel) inherited the throne of glory. In their time, the position of the High Priest in Israel is that of a very high honour and glory, as the person physically represents God among the people.
The position was meant for not just only the tribe of Levi, but narrowed down to the descendants of Aaron alone. So that the chance of becoming a high priest in the land was very narrow.
Either Ophini or Phineas, the sons of Eli were to become the high priest, amazingly the position was passed unto the boy (Samuel) who was not one of Eli’s sons and not even a Levite.
To the shock and disbelief of all, Samuel inherited that throne of glory.
May you inherit the throne of glory in Jesus name.
1 Samuel 2:6-8 – The Lord killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up. The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up. He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them.
Hannah’s life changed from a worthless being or someone that was supposedly cursed to someone of great honour, not only in Elkannah’s house, in their clan, in their tribe, but in the whole land of Israel! It is only God that can do such a thing.
May God make you to live indeed.
May He bring you up from the grave of life.
May Jehovah make you rich.
May the Almighty lift you up.
May God elevate you from the dust of poverty and the base of life forever.
May God never let you become an accomplice to the beggars on the dunghills of life.
May God enable you to sit with the princes of life.
Above all, may God make you to inherit the throne of glory.
In Judges 11:1-3, the bible talked of a man called Jephthah. He was born into an honourable family; his father was Gilead, who was a prominent fellow in Israel.
It might even be that Jephthah was Gilead’s first son. According to Jewish tradition, he was to inherit his father’s throne of honour. Unfortunately, he was forced to sit on the throne of shame and disgrace.
Judges 11:1-3 – Now Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valour, and he was the son of an harlot: and Gilead begat Jephthah. And Gilead’s wife bare him sons; and his wife’s sons grew up, and they thrust out Jephthah, and said unto him, Thou shalt not inherit in our father’s house; for thou art the son of a strange woman. Then Jephthah fled from his brethren, and dwelt in the land of Tob: and there were gathered vain men to Jephthah, and went out with him.
Simply because Jephthah’s mother was a harlot when Gilead met her, possibly after the death of Gilead, his other sons disinherited Jephthah and threw him out of their father’s estate, so that he became a destitute.
Out of shame, Jephthah left town and began to live in the desert with worthless people.
Not too long though, God miraculously elevated Jephthah unto the throne of glory. He became not just a leader in his father’s house, in his clan, in his tribe, but over the entire land of Israel! His brothers became subject to him as he reigned over everyone.
There is someone here; you were born with certain honour. Your family member(s) have somehow attacked that honour. God will elevate you to the level above the honour you had before in Jesus name.
There is another fellow here, the Spirit of God asked me to tell you that you will rule and reign over all those that have caused you shame and disgrace.
There is another person, you yourself need help, but certain people who are worse off than you are still relying on you, God says He will help you.
The bible make us to know that king Solomon was not the first son of king David, but it was he that God said will inherit the throne of glory of his father.
David already notified the whole of Israel in advance that it would be Solomon that must reign after him according to the promise of God (I Chro. 22:8-9).
However when David was becoming weak, Solomon elder brothers tried to hijack the throne from him. Absalom tried and failed; Adonijah tried and failed also. By Divine intervention, Solomon ascended unto the throne gloriously (1 Kings 1:1-53).
You are here; certain powers are contending for your throne of glory, they will fail in Jesus name.
Someone is here, you are about to be cheated by a person(s) who is close to you. God says, He will overturn the table against such person(s). They will lose.
There is someone here, the way God tells me is, “You have been sitting on a stool in the kitchen for too long, God says the time has come for you to sit on your throne of glory.
May that throne of glory magnetise you to come and seat.
Receive the power and grace to sit on it in Jesus name.
What must I do to inherit my throne of glory (Hannah as case study) I Sam. 1: 1-28
- Be specific on the type of the throne of glory you want from God.
- Don’t give up on worshipping God and don’t neglect his Temple while you wait.
- Let God know that you are desperate.
- Let your prayers be fervent.
- Don’t broadcast anything about the throne until God had done it.
- If possible, make a vow regarding it.
- If people provoked you to react negatively, remain sober.
- Once you are certain of God’s attention/intervention, keep rejoicing and don’t be sad.
Father, grant me the power and the grace to inherit the throne of glory.
The sermon, May You Inherit The Throne of Glory, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye, was delivered on July 30, 2017.