Rom. 8:28 – And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Most times, as believers there are certain area(s) of our lives that might seem out of place, not working as we wanted or according to plan. What bible tells us however is that all things are to work together for our good.
This statement of Apostle Paul was that of a surety, that’s why I gave it the title. In science, we have laws which are empirical studies which have been tested and trusted. Paul is telling us this has been tested by saints and can be trusted.
That is why I believe that all things shall work together for your good.
We have saints in the bible that things appeared to be going wrong, but at the end of the day; it all worked together for their good and in their favour.
In I Sam. 9 &10, the donkeys of Saul’s father were lost. Saul and his father’s servant were roaming around the countryside for over three days, not knowing that they would be away for that long. At the end of the day, all ended in their favour. Saul became the first king of Israel.
And if you are thinking could Saul have been a saint; check Prophet Samuel words in I Sam 15: 16-19.
You may have lost precious things, they will come back to you. Other good things will be added in Jesus name.
In Gen. 12: 9-20, when Abraham arrived in Canaan, there was a time they experienced drought so bad that Abraham had to migrate to Egypt to reside there. He had a premonition that the people might covet his wife, and so it was. It was even by the king.
Abraham almost lost his wife to Pharaoh, but for God.
Though Abraham was afraid for his life and said Sarah was his sister. He also might not have asked God before going to Egypt. But guess what? That was the beginning of Abraham serious wealth.
16 And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses, and menservants, and maidservants, and she asses, and camels.
You might have been cheated. It will not end there. God will compensate you greatly in Jesus name.
In Acts 28: 1-11, as Paul was been taken to Rome in bounds. Their ship broke apart at Melita or Malta. As he was gathering sticks to make fire to warm himself; a viper bite him. The onlookers thought he must have been a terrible criminal; having escaped from sea, now snake would kill him, as there was no cure. But after observing him for a while and they saw that he did not die; they concluded he must be a god!
The three months that Paul stayed on that island Christianity had spread.
Does it appear as things are fallen apart for you? You shall land safely on a shore.
The story of Job is not new to any of us. He lost his 7 sons; 3 daughters; all animals and almost all his servants. His wife was not on his side; his 3 friends were judgemental of him. The Bible, however, tells us that the end of Job was so glorious. All things worked together for his good. God blessed him with other 7 sons, 3 daughters, two times of all that he had before his ordeal.
I am persuaded that all things shall work together for you good in Jesus name.
As I round up, checking the passage again, Paul mentioned two characteristics that those that all things will work together for their good must have: they must love God and must be the called according to His purpose.
Do you love God? Are you fulfilling His purpose for your life? If you can answer yes, yes, we too can hit our chest like Paul to say that ‘we know that all shall work together for our good’.
So whether things are going according to plan or contrary to plan; we have a word of assurance from Paul in his verse and also in Gal. 6:7-9. 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Sermon delivered on December 6, 2020.