Revisitation can be defined as ‘the action or an act of revisiting; the fact of being revisited; a second or further visitation. An act of repeating or going back to an earlier state or situation. Other words for revisitation are: return; recurrence; repeat; reappearance; reoccurrence; re-emergence; coming back; etc’.
There is nothing as desirable and life-changing as Divine visitation. We all need the visitation of the Divine Being to live a victorious life and fulfil our destiny. As Jesus was rounding up His ministry on Earth and was about to depart; He strictly charged His disciples not to embark on their ministry calling until they have experience Divine visitation from the Holy Ghost (Lk. 24: 47-48; Acts 1:1-9).
The disciples obeyed the instruction of Jesus, they abode in Jerusalem for the next 9 days after the ascension of Jesus Christ bodily to heaven. Then suddenly as 120 of them were praying on the 10th day; the promised Holy Ghost visited in a special way (Acts 2: 1-4). At the visitation of the Holy Ghost, the disciples received power to fulfil their destiny, to the amazement of their world (Acts 4: 8-13).
The disciples went all out preaching the gospel and God was working wonders through them. The Chief Priest and the Sanhedrin Council who had killed Jesus were determined to stop them in their tracks. They, therefore, launched a ferocious attack on the disciples. They planned to kill them if they kept preaching about Jesus Christ.
At this point, the disciples had to ask God for a Divine revisitation as their assignment had taken a more difficult turn – martyrdom. The Holy Ghost revisited them and bestowed upon them all boldness to continue declaring the words of God; and through their hands, even mightier healings, signs, and wonders were done in Jesus’ name (Acts 4: 13-31).
What wonders God had wrought for us and through us before! Many were His glorious deeds in our lives and in our midst in the past. God is however promising us that He is revisiting. That He will pay us further visitations. He will grant us all boldness to declare His word. He will bestow upon us anointing for greater works: healings, signs, and wonders. He will also grant us the grace to yet bring multitudes to His knowledge in Jesus holy name.