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Give God the ‘venison’ such as He loves, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

Give God the ‘venison’ such as He loves, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

What is venison?

According to dictionary, it is the meat of any game animal usually referring to that of a deer.

It is a rare and expensive meat. It is a meat that comes from a non-domesticated animal. It is a meat that is not easy to get. It comes from an animal that needs to be hunted. Hunting venison requires time, energy, perseverance, skill, determination, etc.

Venison that is well prepared is such a delicacy that has powers to make people to do what they either shouldn’t do or shouldn’t have done yet.

In Gen. 25: 21-24, God already made it clear to Rebekah the sort of children she would have. That the older will serve the younger. But because of the love of Esau venison, Isaac intended to reverse the word of Jehovah (Gen. 25: 28, 27: 1-4). But the will of God, that shall stand and it stood.

Venison that will provoke the eater’s comeback or blessings must be prepared specially. It will require the right ingredients and a perfect touch. It cannot be cooked anyhow.

In Gen. 25: 29-34, Esau said he could die before the venison would be ready, telling us that it takes a while to prepare.

In Gen. 27: 8-9, Rebekah has put her eyes down to see how Esau does it, so mastery is involved as well. Esau would use wild goats. Not lambs, sheep or cow. Rebekah had to improvise with two choice young goats.

Our God is the creator of all. In Psalm 50, God told the Israelites that He doesn’t eat flesh of animals nor drink their blood. Yet it may interest you to note that God loves venison.

In the Old Testament, God normally specify the type of animals, the age and the quality He require for particular sacrifices (Mal. 1:6-14).

For that venison to taste as He loves, it must be offered with a heart of Thanksgiving (Psalm 50:14-15).

In Gen. 18:1-22, God demonstrated that He love venison. God passed by the Plains of Mamre to see Abraham on His way to Sodom. Abraham gave God the sort of venison He loves that provoked God to say He will visit them again next year, by that time their long awaited child would have arrived.

Note that God was among, stood with Abraham and sent the two angels ahead to Sodom (Gen. 19:1-2).

What made Abraham’s venison such as God loves? The speed, Abraham/Sarah involvement, the quality of animal (tender and good), sweetness (butter & milk), the presentation, standing ovation (99 yrs old man), etc. No wonder, God was moved.

Today, as Christians we do not offer animal sacrifices and God may not physically stop by at a Believer’s house. Yet He still loves venison.

What are some venison that can provoke God? There is the need to know, as God will not pay for a meal He has not ordered. God does not make do with what He’s given, He demands the best. Instead of God to manage something, He won’t have it at all.

– Worship is a venison that God eat. For it to be such as He loves, it has to be qualitative. The test for the quality is that it has to be in spirit and in truth (John 4: 24).

In spirit – must not be mechanical from the head as in memorising, but from the soul and spirit man.

In truth – must not be hypocritical or eye service, but intentionally and sincerely.

E.g. Paul and Silas in prison.

– Laborious service of love to God and the Saints (Heb. 6:10). God is not unjust to forget.

Elijah told Israel that it is enough trying to serve two masters. If Baal is God, serve him, if it is God, serve Him. We Christians try to serve God and Mammon together, sadly it is a waste of time. God will simply not take the service. He Himself said, He would prefer an individual to be cold or hot, but He hates lukewarmness.

E.g. Dorcas used her resources for God and the saints, what a provoked favour she got (Acts 9:36-43).

– Offerings, Tithes and First-fruit (tough, tougher and toughest). Provoking, more provoking, most provoking.

God does not spend our currency, however sacrificial giving is venison to Him. It shows submission, total dependence and trust in Him.

What will you do to a nephew/niece of yours that you bought a meal for and won’t let you taste from it. You may likely not buy such meal for him/her next time.

It will be such as God loves, when it’s given bountifully and cheerfully.

Prov 3:9

E.g. Abraham with Melchisedek

– Living Body sacrifice. God is a living God, using a body that is alive to please God is venison to Him. Our body is the Temple of God. Satan likes to manipulate it, but when it is kept holy and alive to God, it becomes venison that He loves (Rom. 12:1-2). Apostle Paul mentioned this to the Roman church to provoke the blessings of God.

E.g. Joseph and Daniel + Friends.

Interestingly, this is a starting point. If this is not settled, the other three can’t be accepted by God, talk less of provoking Him to favour a fellow.

Altar call

Psalm 51:17

The only thing that can provoke God from a sinner is broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart. God can’t resist it.


Father, take me pass the levels of usual favours to unprecedented favours.

Father, let my offerings, tithes and sacrifices provoke you to favour me greatly.

Father, let the time I spent for you, the energy I used for you, and the money I spent for you provoke you to favour me more.

Father, among those you favour, let me be the most favoured.

Give God the ‘venison’ such as He loves, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye, was delivered at the Anointing Service of September 27th, 2015

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