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Double Grace In The Year of Annunciation, by Pastor Samuel Odaudu

Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 3, Mark 3

The book of Eccl. 3 draws on time and season; there is time for everything, time to heal and time to eat, time sow and time for harvest. In support, everyday has 24 hours and every year 4 seasons which most Western world carefully observe. This shows that every time of life is important to God and every season is equally as important holding same weight. It could be further explained that Morning season is equivalent to a season of growth and development, Afternoon season is a time to be careful and observe, it is a time when individuals can venture on different things, take risks and evolve. Some people waste that season and wasting it can be risk and costly. The evening season, is time of reaping when the return on investment is expected. As children of God, it is expected that during the evening season life should become a favour and not labour. A good father at his old age rest and invest in praying for his kids, blessing his seeds to finish the work he has started and continue the journey. It is my prayer that even though you have wasted you afternoon season, the great Restorer will restore your wasted years and cause a great restoration. In retrospect, it is advisable that we maximize our time on earth and do not waste the precious time God has given us on earth.

The word Annunciation is an ecclesiastical word that was used when the Angel of God came to deliver a message to Mary. Luke 1:28 “The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you.”- It was a special message to be delivered. So as it is your year of Annunciation you will be highly favoured and celebrated. Something very special, a good news would locate you.

Mark 3: 1-5 helps us to understand the extent to which God will go to favour you.

Another time Jesus went into the synagogue, and a man with a shrivelled hand was there. 2 Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath. 3 Jesus said to the man with the shrivelled hand, “Stand up in front of everyone.” 4 Then Jesus asked them, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do well or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” But they remained silent. 5 He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored”.

The Bible verse exclaimed that Jesus had been there before but he came again, for one man. Some school of thought believe that when Jesus came to the synagogue earlier on , the man with the withered hand was not there , so Jesus had to come back to favour him . Another school of thought posit that the man was there but because it was not hi season / time for restoration Jesus had to come again at the appropriate time. Whatever be the case, the man got his healing. However our God is the owner of time, John 2: 1-11 shows us how God performed his first miracle of turning water into Wine at the wedding at Cana even though his hour had not yet come, he moved the time.

Psalm 102: 3 “You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favour to her; the appointed time has come”.

Meanwhile, there are certain people that may want to hinder the appointed time, they may want to hinder miracles from happening. 2 Samuel 9 : 1-5, David remembered the house of Saul and sought to favour any one left from the house hold because of his relationship with Jonathan. He asked “Is there anyone left in the house of Saul that I may bless him”. Then a man called Ziba answered with words that were supposed to disqualify Mephibosheth from been honoured , he described him as lame and living in a place not to be located but it was the appointed time to favour Mephibosheth and no one could stop it. David requested that he should be brought to the palace from wherever he may be and that was how Mephibosheth story changed, his wasted years were restored.

In reference to the story of the man with the withered man, the Sadducees and Pharisees who lived as at then almost deterred his miracle by insisting that Jesus was not supposed to do any form of healing on Sabbath day but Jesus in his infinite mercies performed the miracle. It is my prayer for you that whoever is standing at the door to your breakthrough be moved, whoever you antagonizes are the Lord God Almighty will shut them up for you and you henceforth enter into your season of rest, favour and miracles. You will not be stagnant, where you are today is the starting point; the Lord God Almighty will move you forward.

Psalm 126 : 1 states that “When the Lord God turned the captivity of Zion , they were like them that dreamed”- As you have prayed and we come together to agree , you will no longer be ignored , where you have be denied , hence you will be appreciated.

The devil sometimes tries to test us, the story of Elisha and the Axe head in 2 Kings 6 depicts this. The disciples of Prophet Elisha wanted to build a new place since the place they were staying was no longer comfortable, so they set out to work after getting permission from the prophet. One of them had gone to borrow an axe head to get some logs close to the River Jordan, alas, the borrowed axe head dropped in the water amongst all the axe head to be used. They were doing the Lords’ work, working for the Prophet, why this seemingly calamity, what will the disciple tell the lender, he was downcast. However, when Elisha heard about the matter, he called on the God that answers by fire, who can suspend the law of gravity and used only a stick to bring back an Axe head.

Our God is great , It is my prayer that any law that has been working against you , up until now; hence those laws are suspended for you . There are certain things you can do alone but there are some things you cannot do alone because life is spiritual. I announce to you today that you season for total restoration has come. Jesus declared to the Man with the withered hand, stretch forth your hand and his hand was made whole.

>Henceforth, as you journey through the remaining part of this year, you will experience double grace in Jesus name; Amen.

The sermon, Double Grace In The Year of Annunciation, by Pastor Samuel Odaudu was delivered at the 10th Anniversary of RCCG EFA Leeds on July 31st, 2016.

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