—Minister Victor Olajubu,

GENESIS 4: 3-5: 3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. 4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: 5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.

It takes some energy, some thinking and some level of dedication to approach GOD – Cain had GOD in his thinking when he was tilled/cultivated the ground, planted, watched the crops grow and during the harvest – Cain had GOD in his plans. Cain must have come to the realization that GOD provided the fertility, the ground, (the rain?), the dew, the moisture, sunlight, humidity, temperature/sunlight responsible for the good/bountiful harvest – if you would say, Cain gave some credit to GOD. Cain was not an atheist – not only did Cain believed in the existence of the MOST HIGH GOD, that belief was reinforced with the presentation of an offering. Cain was what I would refer to as a regular “Christian” if it’s okay to use that ‘cliché’.

Cain made some reservations for himself and brought a portion/percentage to GOD. GOD does not judge us on the basis of what we bring to HIM i.e. quantity but on basis of the quality of what we have left to ourselves after we have given to HIM. Cain, like so many people today, wanted to come to God, but wanted to do it their own way. On their own terms. This may work at the MacDonald’s/hamburger stand. They may let you do it ‘your way’ as the commercial says, but God will not. ‘A man can go to heaven God’s way, or you he goes to hell any way he pleases.’ Up until the time Cain was rejected, he thought he was doing the right thing – he was DELUDED.

Where did it go wrong for Cain? Cain brought SOME OF HIS HARVEST to GOD as an offering whereas Abel brought not only the best of his livestock (the firstling) but the fat of a firstling. That was the difference between spiritual success and spiritual mediocrity of failure. GOD does not accept just anything. It’s very simple, HE settles for nothing less: RIGHT QUALITY OR NOTHING ELSE! It is good to come to the LORD as we do most of the time but this is not enough to take us to the finishing line, it’s the first step in a right direction. Mere “coming” and “Giving” does not in any way guarantee the approval of GOD. The only think that guarantee GOD’S approval is the nature of what we offered to HIM – Is it my best? Could I have done any better? Anything short of this derides GOD and won’t go unpunished.

If we can give 30yrs of service to GOD, why contemplate 20yrs? Why consider 10yrs or 5yrs? GOD wants our best and won’t settle for any ‘wishy washy’ type service: Hebrew 11:6 “he that comes to GOD must believe that HE is and HE is a rewarder of them that diligently seek HIM”. The verse makes a different meaning entirely if “DILIGENCE” is taken out in this context. Anybody can come to GOD, but not everyone easily believes that GOD is! It is easy to come to GOD and not seek HIM in a diligent way.

D. L. Moody once returned from a meeting and reported two and a half conversions. “Two adults and a child, I suppose?” asked his host. “No,” said Moody, “two children and an adult. The children gave their whole lives. The adult had only half of his left to give.” God asks for the best part of our lives. Remember now the Lord your God in the days of thy youth. We won’t remain young all our lives. We should make hay whilst the sun shines – “teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom” – Psalms 90:12.

GENESIS 17:9-27 – 23 On that same day Abraham obeyed God and circumcised his son Ishmael and all the other males in his household, including the slaves born in his home and those he had bought. 24 Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised, 25 and his son Ishmael was thirteen. 26 They were both circumcised on the same day, 27 together with all of Abraham’s slaves.

Remember: Abraham was already a wealthy man at this time i.e. prior to circumcision. Abraham was 99 at this time. Anybody can obey GOD tomorrow! Anybody can postpone serving GOD till tomorrow and still achieve their aims (not GOD’S though), it becomes an issue when it has to be today. The assignment of the KING requires haste – BIBLE. Why the haste? Abraham understood that the life under the Covenant of circumcision was a different lifestyle alien to Abraham and he wanted the benefits ASAP so he circumcised his household the same day. Abraham understood that another day of uncircumcision meant another day outside the Covenant of Circumcision. I am sure Abraham did not enjoy the process of doing the circumcision on the same day but he wanted the blessings and goes with the DISCOMFORT. With this, it becomes easy to see why GOD blessed Abraham the way HE did.



Delivered on April 13th, 2014