January 2019 Theme – The Birth Of New Hope

January 2019 Theme – The Birth Of New Hope

Birth can be defined as “the process of bearing young; the act or fact of being born; the beginning or coming into existence of something; the origin of something”; etc. Hope on the other hand is “to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfilment; to expect with confidence; a desire accompanied by expectation of belief in fulfilment; a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen”; etc.

Before the birth of Solomon, God had already told King David that it would be Solomon that would reign after him (I Chro. 22:7-19; 28: 1-6). As David became older and frail, one of his eldest sons – Adonijah exalted himself and proclaimed himself as the king over Israel. He had the backing of the powerful men of David (Joab, the Commander of the Army; Abiatha, the High Priest, and other special dignitaries). To make the matter worse for Solomon, he had not heard that King David had challenged nor call Adonijah to order, meaning he might be carrying out the king’s order.

Not only was the hope of Solomon to become the king rendered shattered, his hope of being alive and that of his mother; including that of the siblings from his mother’s side was very slim.

God however used Prophet Nathan to birth a new hope for Solomon. Nathan risked his life and gave Bathsheba a counsel that did not only save their lives; but also enthroned them as the king and the king’s mother.

Bathsheba was asked by Prophet Nathan to enter the chambers of the king and remind him of his promise that Solomon was to be the king after him, and to tell him what Adonijah had done; and that while she would still be talking; he would join them in the conversation as well.

After listening to them, King David avowed that Solomon would still reign after him; to make sure that this was the case; the king gave immediate orders to coronate and enthrone Solomon as the king in Jerusalem while he was still alive; and he himself also bowed on his bed to his son as Solomon sat on the throne.

When Adonijah and the people that were with him heard that Solomon has been made king in Jerusalem; all the people with him ran away and he had to take refuge by the altar in the temple (I Kings 1: 1-53).

In this first month of 2019; it has been impressed upon my spirit by God that new hopes will be birthed as touching the fulfilment of our destiny. He said that challenges, oppositions and threats to our pre-ordained destinies will be quashed. God said He will raise the ‘Prophet Nathans’ who will help stir up our hopes and expectations. Hopes that are dormant and dead will be revived. Expectations that are dying will be re-fired. There shall be a performance of long-awaited hopes and dreams in Jesus name.