
June 2014 Theme – Uncommon Vision

Vision can be defined as the faculty or state of being able to see. It could also be the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. The inability to see is one of the greatest impairments a man can face. I personally believe that ability to see is superior to...

May 2014 Theme – Amazing Covenants

May 2014 Theme – Amazing Covenants

Amazing can be defined as something that causes great surprise or wonders or rather astonishing. While covenant is an agreement, usually formal between two or more persons to do or not do something specified. It could also mean the conditional promises made to humanity by God, as revealed in the scriptures. In life, one can...


April 2014 – Tidings of Victories

Tiding is defined as a report of recent events or facts not previously known. While victory is the success or superior position achieved against any opponent; opposition; difficulty; obstacle or problem. The Israelites were on the journey to the Promised Land when they encountered the Amorites on the way. Sihon, king of Heshbon refused to...


March 2014 Theme – Divine Sunshine

Sunshine can be defined as the sun’s light or direct rays; the warmth and light given by the sun’s rays; a spot or surface on which the sun’s light shines; or something (as a person, condition, or influence) that radiates warmth, cheer, or happiness. Divine sunshine will therefore be the beaming of light and direct...


February 2014 Theme – Supernatural Daybreak

Daybreak is a combination of two words: Day and Break. Day could be defined as a period of 24 hours usually beginning and ending with midnight; it could be a part of the 24 hours when it is light (sunrise and sunset); or it could be the part of the 24 hours period when somebody...


January 2014 Theme – Glorious Reforms

Glorious can be defined as something that has or is worthy of bringing fame or admiration; or something that has a striking beauty or splendour. While reform is to make changes in something (especially an institution or practise) in order to improve it. Whenever an improvement leads to fame and admiration; beauty or splendour, it...


December Theme: The Great Escape

Escape can be defined as: to break loose from confinement; or to avoid a serious or unwanted outcome. In Acts 12:6-16, the bible talks of how James the brother of a John was beheaded by Herod. When he discovered that it pleased the Jews, he locked up Peter to be executed also. He was waiting...


November 2013 Theme – Resounding Joy

Resounding as related to this theme will be defined as ‘clear and emphatic; unmistakable;  enormous; huge; massive; very great; tremendous; terrific; colossal; total’. While joy could be define as ‘the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation’. In life we experience variations of joy. While some are small and could be hidden,...


October 2013 – Great And Sweet Victories

Victory is defined as the act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle; game or other competition. There are great and small victories depending on the extent of the threat; the power of the attacker; the duration of the contest; the number of the foes; the weaponry used; etc. However, it’s not all...


September 2013 – Season of Renewal

Season can be defined as a suitable, natural or convenient time for something to happen. While renewal can be defined as the action of extending the period of validity of a license, subscription, or contract. It could also be to make like new; restore to freshness; vigour or perfection; or to begin again. The bible...