Spiritual Reinforcement, by Elder Adebayo Ola

Spiritual Reinforcement, by Elder Adebayo Ola

Spiritual Reinforcement, by Elder Adebayo Ola The theme for this month is Structural Reinforcement. In considering structural reinforcement we are familiar with concrete structures, however to strengthen the structure, steel rods and wires are usually meshed together to add strength. That is why it is commonly called reinforced concrete structure. This is why we use...

Structural Reinforcement, by Sister Ose Imonikhe

Structural Reinforcement, by Sister Ose Imonikhe

Structural Reinforcement, by Sister Ose Imonikhe The theme for the month “structural reinforcement” is timely as there are so many areas in our lives, families and church which need restructuring. Structural reinforcement simply put is an action or process of strengthening a structure so it can function properly and meet the requirements for which it...

Miracle and Blessing, by Minister Gabriel Adunmade

Miracle and Blessing, by Minister Gabriel Adunmade

Miracle and Blessing, by Minister Gabriel Adunmade Text: Gen 12:1-9 Every Christian in life wants to experience miracle and enjoy blessing. More often than not we sing song like I am serving The Lord of miracle. Abraham blessing are mine Hallelujah, Abraham blessing are mine. When we are asked to pray for God’s blessing and...

Let Us Arise And Build, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

Let Us Arise And Build, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

Let us arise and rebuild, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye Text: Nehemiah 2: 12-20 God used Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem, but the walls around the city were still in ruins. It was a pain in the heart of Nehemiah when he heard the news. God however made it possible for him to have...

Fighting the Good Fight of Faith, by Apostle I.D Lawon

Fighting the Good Fight of Faith, by Apostle I.D Lawon

Fighting the good fight of Faith by Apostle I.D Lawon I would like to start this message by appreciating God for the Pastor, the elders and members of the church for the privilege to share the message this day. As I speak; I pray that if you’ve got any barrier you, today you will go past the...

Voices, by Rev Akin Bola-John

Voices, by Rev Akin Bola-John

Voices, by Rev Akin Bola-John There are many voices that are speaking in the world. We hear many voices in our lives. We hear voices day and night. We are created to hear voices. May your ears not be blocked in Jesus name. May you hear voices. May you hear the correct voice, because there...

Do Not Limit Yourself, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

Do Not Limit Yourself, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye

Do Not Limit Yourself, by Pastor Samuel Obafaiye In Genesis 1, we are told that God made man on the six day of creation after He had made the light, the firmament, the oceans, the vegetation, the animals, etc. When Man came into existence, he met others things before him. In order that Man should not...


The Urgency of Our Task, by Pastor Victor Olobaniyi

TEXT : MATTEW; 25:1-30; JOHN;21:1-17, I JOHN 2:18-29. A Task is a piece of work to be done or carried out ,the synonyms includes, job,duty,assignment, commission to he carried out to mention but a few. As this is our month of recommitment and rededication, I want to believe that in one way or the other...